
Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction#

The following describes how Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction (MBIR) works, and the low-level parameters used to control it. However, while these low level MBIR parameters can be accessed, we strongly recommend that you control image quality using the meta-parameter, sharpnesss. The default value of sharpness is 0. Larger values will increase sharpness, and small values will decrease it.

MBIR reconstruction works by solving the following optimization problem

\[{\hat x} = \arg \min_x \left\{ f(x) + h(x) \right\}\]

where \(f(x)\) is the forward model term and \(h(x)\) is the prior model term. The super-voxel algorithm is then used to efficiently perform this optimization.

Forward Model: The forward model term has the form,

\[f(x) = \frac{1}{2 \sigma_y^2} \Vert y - Ax \Vert_\Lambda^2\]

where \(y\) is the sinogram data, where \(x\) is the unknown image to be reconstructed, \(A\) is the linear projection operator for the specified imaging geometry, \(\Lambda\) is the diagonal matrix of sinogram weights, \(\Vert y \Vert_\Lambda^2 = y^T \Lambda y\), and \(\sigma_y\) is a parameter controling the assumed standard deviation of the measurement noise.

These quantities correspond to the following python variables:

  • \(y\) corresponds to sino

  • \(\sigma_y\) corresponds to sigma_y

  • \(\Lambda\) corresponds to weights

The weights can either be set automatically using the weight_type input, or they can be explicitly set to an array of precomputed weights. For many new users, it is easier to use one of the automatic weight settings shown below.

  • weight_type=”unweighted” => Lambda = 1 + 0*sino

  • weight_type=”transmission” => Lambda = numpy.exp(-sino)

  • weight_type=”transmission_root” => Lambda = numpy.exp(-sino/2)

  • weight_type=”emmission” => Lambda = (1/(sino + 0.1))

Option “unweighted” provides unweighted reconstruction; Option “transmission” is the correct weighting for transmission CT with constant dosage; Option “transmission_root” is commonly used with transmission CT data to improve image homogeneity; Option “emmission” is appropriate for emission CT data.

Prior Model: The svmbir function allows the prior model to be set either as a qGGMRF or a proximal map prior. The qGGRMF prior is the default method recommended for new users. Alternatively, the proximal map prior is an advanced feature required for the implementation of the Plug-and-Play algorithm. The Plug-and-Play algorithm allows the modular use of a wide variety of advanced prior models including priors implemented with machine learning methods such as deep neural networks.

The qGGMRF prior model has the form

\[h(x) = \sum_{ \{s,r\} \in {\cal P}} b_{s,r} \rho ( x_s - x_r) \ ,\]


\[\rho ( \Delta ) = \frac{|\Delta |^p }{ p \sigma_x^p } \left( \frac{\left| \frac{\Delta }{ T \sigma_x } \right|^{q-p}}{1 + \left| \frac{\Delta }{ T \sigma_x } \right|^{q-p}} \right)\]

where \({\cal P}\) represents a 8-point 2D neighborhood of pixel pairs in the \((x,y)\) plane and a 2-point neighborhood along the slice axis; \(\sigma_x\) is the primary regularization parameter; \(b_{s,r}\) controls the neighborhood weighting; \(p<q=2.0\) are shape parameters; and \(T\) is a threshold parameter.

These quantities correspond to the following python variables:

  • \(\sigma_x\) corresponds to sigma_x

  • \(p\) corresponds to p

  • \(q\) corresponds to q

  • \(T\) corresponds to T

Proximal Map Prior: The proximal map prior is provided as a option for advanced users would would like to use plug-and-play methods. If prox_image is supplied, then the proximal map prior model is used, and the qGGMRF parameters are ignored. In this case, the reconstruction solves the optimization problem:

\[{\hat x} = \arg \min_x \left\{ f(x) + \frac{1}{2\sigma_p^2} \Vert x -v \Vert^2 \right\}\]

where the quantities correspond to the following python variables:

  • \(v\) corresponds to prox_image

  • \(\sigma_p\) corresponds to sigma_p

Arbitrary Length Units (ALU) Conversion#

In order to simplify usage, reconstructions are done using arbitrary length units (ALU). In this system, 1 ALU can correspond to any convenient measure of distance chosen by the user. So for example, it is often convenient to take 1 ALU to be the distance between pixels, which by default is also taken to be the distance between detector channels.

Transmission CT Example: For this example, assume that the physical spacing between detector channels is 5 mm. In order to simplify our calculations, we also use the default detector channel spacing and voxel spacing of delta_channel=1.0 and delta_xy=1.0. In other words, we have adopted the convention that the voxel spacing is 1 ALU = 5 mm, where 1 ALU is now our newly adopted measure of distance.

Using this convention, the 3D reconstruction array, image, will be in units of \(\mbox{ALU}^{-1}\). However, the image can be converted back to more conventional units of \(\mbox{mm}^{-1}\) using the following equation:

\[\mbox{image in mm$^{-1}$} = \frac{ \mbox{image in ALU$^{-1}$} }{ 5 \mbox{mm} / \mbox{ALU}}\]

Emission CT Example: Once again, we assume that the channel spacing in the detector is 5 mm, and we again adopt the default reconstruction parameters of delta_channel=1.0 and delta_xy=1.0. So we have that 1 ALU = 5 mm.

Using this convention, the 3D array, image, will be in units of photons/AU. However, the image can be again converted to units of photons/mm using the following equation:

\[\mbox{image in photons/mm} = \frac{ \mbox{image in photons/ALU} }{ 5 \mbox{mm} / \mbox{ALU}}\]