MBIRJAX: High-performance tomographic reconstruction

MBIRJAX: High-performance tomographic reconstruction#

MBIRJAX is a Python package for Model Based Iterative Reconstruction (MBIR) of images from tomographic data.

Key features:

  • Vectorized Coordinate Descent algorithm for fast, robust convergence.

  • Automatic selection of MBIR parameters for good initial images, with fine-tuning through intuitive meta-parameters.

  • Support for Plug-and-Play prior models that can dramatically improve image quality [] [].

  • Modular, extensible, easy-to-use, object-oriented Python interface.

  • Fast, portable, seamless use on CPUs or GPUs through the use of JAX.

Simple API

Reconstructions can be performed in just a few lines of python code.

Fast, robust convergence

Vectorized Coordinate Descent produces high-quality images quickly.


Based on JAX, MBIRJAX can easily run on CPU or GPU.

Getting Started
User Guides
Developer Docs